Botanical Garden Missouri Library.
I have decided to include the Missouri Botanical Garden Library in my research as I have had many references to the work that goes on at their library from the other botanical libraries that i have looked at. I began my research with a quick look at the NLA, as i was hoping for a lead,no luck, Tried Swinburne Library site,and accessed EBSCO host, a few minor references but nothing to hang your hat on. I went online to the Missouri Garden website and found that very useful.
I am including this reference to the MBG library,just to give an idea of the material available to research.
Brief History of the Missouri Botanical Garden Library.
The library started with a collection of Shaw's own botanical books,and has now grown to over 200.000 many languages and currently is one of the largest repositories of specialized Botanical items in the world. I also found the bio-diversity heritage catalogue interesting to browse
The library is divided into two sections, the general collection and the special collection which houses the rare books and Henry Shaw's personal papers and photographs.
As Douglas Holland curator of library services said "unlike some fields of science,botany depends heavily upon publications of the 18th &19th Centuries to maintain a stable system of names for plants"
The library today is named after Peter H. Raven the director of the Missouri Gardens since 1971.In my opinion I feel the library complements perfectly,the Botanical Garden Mission statement in part which says "To discover and share knowledge about plants and their environment, in order to preserve and enrich life." This video explains a lot about the work done at Missouri library.
Am enclosing a piece about the affection shown about the Library.
I am including this reference to the MBG library,just to give an idea of the material available to research.
Brief History of the Missouri Botanical Garden Library.
The Missouri Botanical garden is the oldest continuously running garden in the USA, founded by Henry Shaw an Englishman a newly arrived settler to St Louis, Missouri,who had developed a very successful hardware business,He retired at 39 and spent the rest of his life developing the Botanical garden which later in life had bestowed as a philanthropic gift to the people of St Louis,he opened the gardens in 1859,and was persuaded by Thomas Englemann a German botanist to add a herbarium, and library to the garden, A unique aspect of the Missouri garden is it's close collaboration with other botanical gardens,When Henry Shaw began to design his garden,he had sought guidance and assistance from William Hooker the director of Kew Botanical gardens in the (UK) ,plus he received help and ongoing advice from Harvard university.
The library started with a collection of Shaw's own botanical books,and has now grown to over 200.000 many languages and currently is one of the largest repositories of specialized Botanical items in the world. I also found the bio-diversity heritage catalogue interesting to browse
The library is divided into two sections, the general collection and the special collection which houses the rare books and Henry Shaw's personal papers and photographs.
As Douglas Holland curator of library services said "unlike some fields of science,botany depends heavily upon publications of the 18th &19th Centuries to maintain a stable system of names for plants"
The Biodiversity Heritage Library,is a group of Botanical libraries,natural history, and research institutions banded together to aid research into plant forms, plant identification.and classification,with the aim of identifying world wide plant species.
The library today is named after Peter H. Raven the director of the Missouri Gardens since 1971.In my opinion I feel the library complements perfectly,the Botanical Garden Mission statement in part which says "To discover and share knowledge about plants and their environment, in order to preserve and enrich life." This video explains a lot about the work done at Missouri library.
Am enclosing a piece about the affection shown about the Library.
Video depicting Missouri Botanical garden and library
Missouri Botanical Garden 2002,Shaw,Henry photographic reproduction of painting of Henry Shaw 1835[image] in Botanical Gardens Photostream,Flickr,Viewed 6th May 2012,<>
Biodiversity Heritage Library Catalogue,viewed May18th 2012,>.
Henry Shaw (Botanist)2012,Wikipedia,viewed 7th May 2012,<>.
Status-us-org 2010,Missouri Botanical Garden Library and research centre[image] in Status-us-org's photostream,Flickr,viewed 7th May 2012,<>.
Welcome to the Peter H.Raven Library 2012,Missouri Botanical garden,viewed 5 May 2012,<>
Biodiversity Heritage Library Catalogue,viewed May18th 2012,>.
Henry Shaw (Botanist)2012,Wikipedia,viewed 7th May 2012,<>.
Status-us-org 2010,Missouri Botanical Garden Library and research centre[image] in Status-us-org's photostream,Flickr,viewed 7th May 2012,<>.
Welcome to the Peter H.Raven Library 2012,Missouri Botanical garden,viewed 5 May 2012,<>