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Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Botanical libraries of the world.
To investigate four botanical libraries, namely.
The Harvard University herbaria ,Cambridge, Mass.US.
The Royal botanic gardens, Kew UK.
Smithsonian Institute botany library, NewYork. US
The royal botanical gardens Melbourne library.
The main goals of this research topic.
1-To examine the history of four botanical libraries,
2-To understand their use for research, and their niche in today’s world,
3-To contrast their collections, and distinctive features,
4-To look at their own mission statements and goals,
5-To consider their relevance.
The chosen path for this report is to access information pertaining to each of the four libraries chosen, using a combination of searching data bases online through libraries and then widening the search onto the internet, some research will involve perusing, hard copy books at various academic institutions, and a physical visit to the botanical library at the Melbourne botanical gardens the data obtained will then be used to provide links to various sites, some images, may be added to the report from relevant areas. Also any appropriate film clips could be sourced, keeping a word document, with all relevant web sites and any other sourced material will be maintained for future reference for the life of this project
Expected results
It is envisaged that the material collected will provide assistance to the knowledge of botanical libraries by accessing data from many information points, in a clear and concise manner
Research Plan
This plan will look at the four botanical libraries, one at a time, by addressing the main goals of the research topic, as most of these places are located overseas this will mean being dependent on the internet for a large part of the research, The ongoing research information will be uploaded on to a weekly research blog for the next six weeks

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bill, I like your links, very professionally done...j
